We know eoc was implemented RuneScape gold » BusinessFace
by on 2020. April 2.

We know eoc was implemented RuneScape gold, but I think it was a significant shift that needed to happen. Revolution ought to have been contained in the start. The thing to me is its own death, and the PvP scene. I don't see the wilderness couldn't/can't be like a game mode where its heritage and special attacks work. Probably cap gear's tier you can earn, or even tweak the hp. This would alter the market for low tier things like gwd1. It would be a bit confusing, but I wonder whether that kind of thing was considered?

The current oddments sale is a disgrace and not for the reason jagex believes

These oddments promos are getting out of hand and not for the reasons you think. Runescape gamers shouldn't need to follow all of your social media and play 24/7 to be made aware of those promotions. As a person with a full-time job I can not just pop over to RuneScape whenever I or crawl to see upgrades. Okay, rather shitty on your conclusion but hey! At least the promo lasts a few days lots of time for the news to spread around even though there ought to happen to be a post on your website or in-game... Becausey'know.Not everybody uses every social media.

You pull on spit and this unit onto the face of people with jobs or that just are in a. Without announcing it remove it until people who have tasks that are full-time get home, this op promo throws. Nice one jagex. Frankly you keep outdoing yourselves. If I put my hat on I can imagine their buddies and a jmods having up piled oddments like this for things. Was the voucher op as cheap OSRS gold ? Yes. Anyone who plays Runescape game be able to inform that before it was released? Also yes. Is it fair for those who do not spend their lives on line? Fuck no. All these early-bird bonuses are currently becoming from hands. Regards, Someone who can't play 24/7 expecting for bonuses.

Posted in: Belföld, Gazdaság