You don't even know Dofus Kamas how some things from the sport work should you lead things to the stage where folks were crafting dream reflections infinitely because of % save bonus. Nobody thought of the while programming it that it will be possible to craft a bag of 1000 fantasy reflections then use it to get 1000 dream reflections back and save bonus will do the job there? Are you money hungry that no sport testers are hired by you? New runes are not allowed yet and you wanted players to come to beta and examine it and provide you feedback before stating how they operate? And you made an event in which the reward was a ceremonial pet, and what happened (atleast in en neighborhood )? Individuals posted images of things with pods.
You want players to play something different than range teams(grip on not only ranged teams but largely cras because they're unbalanced and op?) In boundless dreams but you make it hopeless due to absurd damage of critters and group erosion. What is the purpose of update and new items if only small percentage of players are able to get it? It requires a lot of work to have the ability to buy the fragment for thing (for most of them six from six achivement is required) and its own required to reach quite high floor to find for example Ganymede's Diadem which cost 11,2 countless fantasy reflections. As for now the price on Echo is about 15 kamas per dream reflection and you wish to increase that cost even more by making it harder to get them? How is one accounts player even able to get that sum of fantasy reflections? Obviously it is always possible to buy them from someone that would be 168mk in the rate of 15 kamas/piece.
But who'd spend that thing? And you want it to increase? I made(and sold) a number of the things on echo and almost everyone was surprised by how much they would need to pay when I told them the price. So you basically want playeers to become exceptional in order that they could survive 5 wave room where creatures spawns every 3 turns with thousands hp but in precisely the exact same time you don't want players to be too powerful? And naturally avoid taking damage so we will not boost the erosion taken at precisely the exact same time because there could be some thing'intresting' waiting for us at another room. Did you see that cra is strong? If yes then good job, but your solution is bad if you believe Cheap Kamas Dofus Retro will prevent people from playing cras.